Author Branding and Reviews

A writer friend posted two links in her blog the other day related to marketing and reviews. Now that I have had a chance to read them, I’m intrigued and thought it would be good to forward the information.

The first is an article on author branding. I can freely admit right now that my main interest is in writing stories, not promoting myself, which is why I have only sold a handful of books. However, someone out there might really benefit from this information, and this might be the year they go out and make a career based on their talents. Good luck in your endeavors!

The second article involves reviews. When you read a good book, do you tell a friend about it? Probably. Do you ever think to let the author know you enjoyed it? Probably not, per the article. After reading that bit of information, I vowed to be more thoughtful of others and give positive feedback where I could this year. After all, many people (not just authors) work hard to do a good job. Why not recognize their efforts?