Category Archives: writing

Author Branding and Reviews

A writer friend posted two links in her blog the other day related to marketing and reviews. Now that I have had a chance to read them, I’m intrigued and thought it would be good to forward the information.

The first is an article on author branding. I can freely admit right now that my main interest is in writing stories, not promoting myself, which is why I have only sold a handful of books. However, someone out there might really benefit from this information, and this might be the year they go out and make a career based on their talents. Good luck in your endeavors!

The second article involves reviews. When you read a good book, do you tell a friend about it? Probably. Do you ever think to let the author know you enjoyed it? Probably not, per the article. After reading that bit of information, I vowed to be more thoughtful of others and give positive feedback where I could this year. After all, many people (not just authors) work hard to do a good job. Why not recognize their efforts?


Resolutions are great for some people, but I prefer specific attainable challenges over vague promises to do better. Knowing this, a friend of mine challenged me to render a piece of artwork, specifically to redo the cover for Sudarium this year.

You see, the cover for Stories from the Hut was done in one of my favorite graphic programs, and I actually designed it years ago in case I ever worked up the courage to promote my work in some manner. The covers for Maker and Sudarium, on the other hand, were created on the fly in a program never designed to do graphic work and it is a miracle I managed to coax anything resembling art work out of it. My friend thinks both covers give the impression the stories they represent are simple and somewhat childish, which isn’t the case.

So I am putting pencil to paper (mainly because I drew long before I could write or use a computer) and am having fun with the old school techniques. It’s actually been interesting to take these characters out of my mind and put them down for everyone to see. It has definitely been a challenge. After all, sharing my words with you gives you leave to see everything as you wish. Showing you what they really look like takes far more effort.

If the Sudarium cover comes out the way I want it to and represents the characters in the best light possible, I might do the same for the sequel due out later this spring. And finishing that sequel will be another challenge worth doing well. Wish me luck!

Update and Manifesto

This is the time of year when I get one- or two-word prompts from friends for Halloween/spooky stories, most of which I have compiled in Stories from the Hut and given away. This year one of the prompts led to the small origin story of the moment Sara and Vishi started their friendship prior to Sudarium. I’m hoping to post the final edit of that short tale soon right here for anyone to read, or I might lump it in with another free book containing more short stories. We’ll see.

Speaking of giving stories away for free, I read an interesting post that discusses what kind of relationship writers and readers have now in this new electronic age, and why it should change. Since you might be interested, here is the article.

Crowdfunding: pros and cons?

I read an interesting personal post from an acquaintance/friend/author who is a far better writer and far more experienced writer than I am. She was discussing crowdfunding books. I had to agree with her thoughts that it might not be right for everyone and that it might not be something she would be willing to fund. Me neither. Aside from issues of trust, thanks to an unscrupulous few, I have no money to spare as I spend too much on my own paper and ink already. (laughs)

Seriously, though, it wouldn’t be easy for me to ask for funding. I am terrible at salesmanship. My main goal is to simply write stories. Whether or not anyone wants to read them (free or otherwise) is not up to me, but the reader, so I decided long ago to stick with Indie publishing and never self publish.

That said, this site is dedicated to writing and reading, so I am dutifully forwarding her links on articles regarding crowdfunding as it might be something of interest to anyone who stops by. This is a tough time for authors. Maybe this information will help.

Crowdfunding for Authors: Is it right and is it right for you?

Publish your next book with crowdfunding

Crowdfunding book wins award

The downside of crowdfunding

Dropping the other shoe

Movie sequels can be dangerous. There have been many times I have enjoyed a movie and been satisfied with the ending and then along comes a sequel and I am torn. Do I see it or not? It’s the same with books. Unless there is a compelling reason for a continuation, I am leery of picking up a sequel.

Which makes the rest of this post so funny.

The story I have been working on? It’s a sequel to Sudarium. Considering how much I truly loved writing the first novella and the nice point where it ended, I was hesitant to continue the misadventures of Sara and Vishi for fear of ruining a good thing. Unfortunately, I did leave clues in the first story that need to be explained so I felt an obligation to pick up the pencil again. It’s nice to realize the second one has been just as much fun to write, up to this point. A friend suggested combining the two into a full length novel. I must say that sounds like a nice idea, but that means repackaging, etc., which might prove confusing.

Speaking of confusing, I do believe the first novella has fared rather badly because of its title, mainly because the word sudarium has now become associated with the shroud of Turin, and that is unfortunate. The original slant of the story was the unknown history of things you find in a thrift store –  I mean, do you know where the item has been? Who owned it? It seemed rather comedic and dangerous to have an original Roman soldier’s scarf or sweat cloth (a sudarium) make itself available to a young woman and then take over her life with its attached history (and former owner). Most of the people I know who have read it have enjoyed it, but then, because I do know them, they are probably biased.

The sequel will hopefully have a better name, though I am still leaning toward Latin at this point. It will also have the same comedic and dangerous slant simply because sometimes you have to laugh at dangerous things and situations or they overwhelm you. As long as it stays fun to write, I will pour my heart into it.

Also, since I’m not really into writing for the money, I decided to put Maker on sale for the rest of the month. Maybe someday I will finish the sequel that belongs with that one, too…